Handcrafted Premium Sea Moss Gels

Current Batch Status:

We are now taking Pre-Orders for our February 14th Batch. All orders will be shipped out Tuesday, February 18th or Wednesday, February 19th.

Our Ingredients

Change Your Health

One of the ocean's most potent super foods.

From the people
From the people
Your seamoss has helped me get back to the real me. I'm a very healthy person despite my thyroid issues and now I have the energy to exercise regularly. I tell all my loves ones about Pappi's Sea Moss Co.
— Instagram User
From the people
I started my seamoss journey approximatley 8 months ago, in Dallas. Once I moved to NJ I panicked becasue I had slowly began to notice changes without it. I have been taking this seamoss product since August and i've noticed an increased amount of energy.
— Instagram User
Victors Story - It started around 2019

When my knees gave up on me. I couldn’t ride a bike, I couldn’t run or exercise, I wasn’t even able to kick a soccer ball with my little girl.

My famous line was, “If I dropped a dollar on the ground, I’d keep walking to avoid the pain of picking it up”. I was eventually diagnosed with arthritis and was made aware by my orthopedic there was no cure.